Monday, 9 February 2009

The domestication of the once great man.

The domestication of man

In trying to describe myself I always try to avoid using the term ‘human being’ because I have begun to suspect it’s meaning has become corrupted. As is oft said, philosophy, at it’s core is always just the debate on the meaning of words, I feel that ‘person’ describes me and you much better than ‘human being’.

In the Ballentine law dictionary of 1930 one looking up ‘human being’ is referred to ‘monster’ and on looking up ‘monster’ one is given the following definition:

monster A human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal. A monster hath no inheritable blood, and cannot be heir to any land.
—Ballentine's Law Dictionary (1930)
The Oxford online dictionary is much more impatient, saying :
human being
noun a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens.
In the spirit of corrected-ness I feel like a person, who is also a human being, not just a human being.

However to some ‘man’ is only a commodity and if man is schooled in his own compliance and servitude from an early age the process of domestication is much easier. To a tiny tiny sliver of ‘human beings’ man is profane, only beasts of burden. The human beings are not people, they are just flesh husks inhabited by some dissincarnate evil, they don’t empathize with ‘man’ because they can’t, they don’t identify with us because they are not part of our soul group.

I believe ‘Man’ is naturally compassionate and loving but this allows this tiny clique, those less compassionate and loving an easy way to deceive. Some of the kindest people can be tricked into inflicting pain on others, they can allow themselves to be ordered by other people. They abscond from there own morality. They will ‘pull the trigger’ or ‘push the button’ much more readily when commanded by someone else where, given the facts and being responsible for their own actions, they would not. Is this what we all do when we see images of the slaughter in Gaza or the famine in Africa, are we not losing our humanity one image at a time ?

History is built on the blood and bones of the gullible by incredulous monsters who can’t believe you are falling for the same tricks again.

The Nazis were only possible in their holocaust ambitions because of the compliance of compassionate and law abiding people who blindly follow their governments agendas.

Millions of law abiding doctors and teachers and nurse and seamstresses and farmers and policemen like you, law abiding peace loving trusting people trusted their government and went ahead and registered themselves to a national database.

Governments like ‘ID schemes’ precisely for this very purpose to help round people up, their opponents, for racial cleansing, for all sorts of groups the government wants to kill.

People queued up to do the right thing, thus enabling the state to come and weed out those they wanted when they needed to be ‘relocated’

What makes you think this supra national government is any less evil and corrupt than the Fascists or the Communists ? Has mankind radically changed all of a sudden in the last 5 years ?

So the agenda looks so plain and simple to me when I see ‘Jackboot Jaquie’ smiling holding up a national id card for press shots,.. which she says is only for ‘foreigners’ now. it won’t be long before you’ll be held at tazer point with your hands against the wall as our state employees runs your id card through the government database to see if you can carry on you way..... they’ll know if you are a free thinker or an anarchist, a 9/11 truther or green party member ... they’ll know when to plant evidence ‘for the common good’ to get ‘scum like you’ locked away ...won’t be long if you allow it.

Meanwhile you have been programmed by the media to view these opinions with amusement or suspicion. Most of you have been taught to enjoy your own brain manipulation. You trust your government, the media even in the face of complete and blatant corruption, deceit and unmanageability... even when the facts themselves dont add up.. As Orwell said you think that 2+2 = 5.

America has already built 800 staffed but empty ‘enemy prisoner of war camps’ in the united states’ At immense cost, while bailing out the banks and further putting the people in debt, they plan for unrest, no doubt similar plans are being implemented in Europe and around the world, because there is an evil, and this evil is supra national.

So while many of you are sitting around passively, your rights are being eroded, your are being domesticated and are slowly changing from a person to a thing. Your own miracle of life is being bequeathed to their embezzlement. So when you get caught up in one of their wars or modern test tube diseases, dont think they took your life from you at the end... because you are already giving it to them little by little every day..

You are shuffling towards the crematorium. Your passage of time marked in a flat or maisonette rather than a cattle car....... wearing your credit card and mobile phone rather than a sewn on ‘yellow cotton star of David’, smilingly proudly at your own cattle tags.... Hey look at me I’m a ‘Yellow 41872’. o cool man, wow. Hey look this yellow Verichip is cool, I get 90 free minutes every month of talk time !........ Did you see those people on big brother ? they were living in a test tube. Completely closed off and separate from us, cool. Wow you see we are all small manageable groups... cool man.’

The evil knows just the right amount of dopamine and epinephrin to sweeten the lesson, and if you don’t swallow then the state comes and electrocutes you with their new ‘humane’ cattle prods.... Designed to kill your curiosity humanely... Interestingly this is the word they use ‘Humanely’ not ‘compassionately’ which is the word that’s use would expose their agenda too much. Most people know what ‘compassion’ means, enough to see where their is none, ‘but ‘humane’ is not the same, the word is changed.... Humane is meant to mean comparable to what a human would do, but knowing that a human is to them in fact a lesser being, a monster... then in fact..... humane means monstrous and actually complies well with their use of the word. to say then that ‘The use of Tazers’ is humane is correct then in that it means it is monstrous and mostly compassionless.

When you were born, you were born into two soul groups. by far the biggest soul group I’d could call the soul of ‘Jaweh’ or the ‘soul of the land.’

These souls are people who get feelings of warmth and excitement meeting others like themselves..... These people would bet on each other not acting against them, they are not suspicious and genuinely give people the benefit of the doubt. They are warm people and if you would try to sense them with the palm of your hand you’d been the warm glow of their life force, you’d connect with the hugely benevolent infinite smile that stretches out for ever.

This majority of people is so large that for the most part it would be fair to say that the other soul group does not even exist.. I think I have only met two people from the other soul group in my entire life, I have even met Tony Blair and Margaret Thatchers and neither of them occupied this group. I think I’ve only ever met evil twice and both times this was in people who were deeply religious. I used to think that perhaps devoutly religious people were drawn to this because they noticed some deep kernel of evil at the depth of their soul and sought redemption in religion...they tried to be good recognizing they were bad and then sometimes evil shone through. But now I think that evil is part of it’s own soul group with it’s own agenda.

This soul group could be described as a violent blood curdling scream than is constantly falling into an infinite pit of despair........ in trying to sense them you’d feel a shudder through the frosting of your open palm. They are embodied by suspicion and soullessness and seem to always be incredulous in other peoples natural warmth... to call them ‘psychopaths’ would be unfair to genuinely ill people.

These people are in constant daily contact with their higher power of evil and corruption, they are souls whose purpose is to thwart every good intention and compassionate deed. They are the people who create false choice, hegelian dialectic, problem reaction and solution politics, they plan and conspire and in the spirit of truth it is them really who are the ‘conspiracy theorist’ In fact it is them and their bloodline who have been building this stinking necropolis with the decaying flesh, blood and bones of our forefathers for generations and they are initiated with their dark tasks early enough in life to see the rest of us as separate from them, as their chattels.... in private they laugh at our belief in the lunar landings, 9/11 and other sleight of hand played out by them to deceive us.

You can see them laughing hysterically amongst themselves at our own naivety and gullibility, ‘ hey look at me ‘walking on the moon’ they taunt amongst themselves ‘ooo save me from the terrorists’ as tears stream down their faces...’they see us as fair game who are a resource to be harvested, inoculated, dumbed down, modified, tagged and abused.

Our innocence and naivety is rewarded by straight faced ‘ploticians’ who can keep a straight face through it all..... many of them themselves just trying to save themselves and their family from harm, knowing to the true face of this evil we are up against.

They are yet to learn that truth is the best way,

While these people exert power over others there will never be peace.....

Zionism, by definition is the idea of the creation and retention of a piece of land they have called Israel, before 1948 there was no Israel, where Israel is now was actually Palestine.... Palestine was given to the Jews to honor a deal made to various financial interests to help fund the U.K. in the second world war.......... In the agreement called the ‘Balfour agreement’ it actually specifies certain conditions which are meant to be met by the newly designated ‘Israelis’ to keep the land that the British gave them even though it wasn't theirs to give....... none of these conditions have been met, and so in some peoples eyes this invalid agreement is further null and void because the Israelis haven't kept within the terms of the agreement in the first place. 

The face of Zionism is a religious fundamental fascism that sees the jews as the chosen people by God, whose interests are above those of other faiths mainly against Muslims but also against Christians and other sects. It was in fact the Jewish money lenders who Jesus threw out of the temple and in fact is was the jews who collaborated in the crucifixion of Christ.......... 

Personally I find all religions repugnant that teach separateness between people, I believe that we are all the same, that divisions have been created and cultivated by evil people for millennia to garner power from small minded gullible and foolish people.

By this belief it would seem the whole idea of 'Zionism' itself is as stupid as believing in the Aryans being a super race or protestants thinking themselves apart from catholics......... Only those who dont know who they are need labels.........they say hello my name is Benjamin and I'm a jew, or hello my name is peter and I am a catholic,  it is completely irrelevant and should seem ridiculous to any thinking person.

Notice how Macintosh users and PC users are cleverly split apart by the computer manufactures themselves in an attempt to define and create power out of the consumers. Imagine the insanity of Obama allowing the sale of hundreds of F16s to Bill Gates so he can try and eradicate pockets of Apple Macintosh insurgents holed up in the caves using macs rather than pc's......... This devision in itself is at least is based on some sort of personal choice, the choice of a computer. Most people who think of themselves as one thing and think negatively of another illusionary group of people do so blissfully ignorant of the complete idiocy of categorizing people in terms of where they happen to be born...Shia’s fighting Sunni’s is as ridiculous as natural blond people fighint people with greenish eyes, or curly hairs people fighting people with straight hair.

Asking for your opinions, as politicians are oft to appear to do, is another way of dividing us and rule us, you see if we get caught up in the seeming disparity of fairness or compassion of one group of people over another, we too are in part guilty of perpetuating it......... for if we are to say the Hamas are the guilty ones and the Israeli Zionists are saints then we are forgetting that we are all the same, and born by accident into conceptually occidental opposing tribes massaged into conflict with each other..... All of a sudden I'm flying the flag of one illusionary division of human over another and these crafty politicians have got me hooked in.

The only way to get to grips with this is to firstly understand that we are all the same.............. no difference, all uniquely identical, or identically unique....... we are not pedestrians or Palestinians, pet lovers or protestants not orange men or blue men not black men or pin stripe suite men or women or children.

We are all the same, people and all the trouble in the worlds are caused by the mistaken view that one group of people are in some way separate from another. We are all souls inhabiting human bodies who have just against miraculous odds opened our eyes in the most amazing miracle of life and found ourselves to be alive.. and this alone is so amazingly epic, how could we let ourselves be talked into a frenzy where we would actually reverse this miracle and hurt someone else or take some mother’s son or some son’s mother ?

And on this point for a moment lets just think about this for a second. imagine if you will that you are in charge of an experiment, a very complicated experiment, involving multiple holographic virtual realities, the creation of a geo formed perfectly in balance environment with all sorts of intricate and impossible detail, your experiments is crowned with a life-form which can reason, write poems, which has immense capacity for compassion and comprehension and love, this being can use tools, is beginning to understand a few of the complexities of science and can even laugh !!. it morns the loss of lifelong partners and gets involved in all sorts of cooperative and syndicated free associations with other beings. 

Well I dont know about you but if my experiment was being taken over by a malicious hatred, a propagation of consciousness that sees the differences in each other rather than the similarities, I'd be pretty pissed off. I'd feel a bit unappreciated and disappointed... 

Well the important thing is not wether there is some magic experimenter in the sky, or wether there is NOT some magic experiment going on, because there is no way for anyone alive to really know one way or another.......... sure people sometimes say they really really really really really think there is a magnificently huge consciousness that is in charge of the experiment where some people think that it is an experimenter who only made the experiment for them and the other people somehow leaked in and are messing it up for them.......... The idea that somehow a book created by a committee of people, or recited from a trance and noted down has the whole truth and nothing but the truth in it is just as idiotic as me saying my writing is divine............hence the name ‘The Whole Truth’

We are all the same and no one person has any rights over another person or their ideas. Some people are so wrapped up in their pseudo tribal name-tag that they would find these assertions evil or ill intended or ‘blaspheming’, they wont believe me when I say that I'm writing this in a sublime state of empathy and love for my fellow man............ I know that most people would try and help another person in an ideal situation, that we like to be nice to each other. We don't stop picking up the shopping dropped by an old lady because we find out she drinks tea and doesn't like coffee, or that her father was Jewish or her mother a catholic. People co operate, we co operate. AND UNLESS WE FUCKING START TO COOPERATE NOW !±!! we are COMPLETELY FUCKED !!

seriously though .............. I love you guys, but some of you are very very very, really really really pretty naive, manipulated, fooled, hoodwinked and gullible......

So Plot-icans. or Poly-tics, these people who would rule over us from whence do they come ?

First point to remember is the people you see strutting around on television (if you still watch television.. which I discourage but we’ll be getting to that). the people who look serious as though they are actually trying to do something difficult, they are not actually the ones who have any power or even a say in what goes on..... they are rather like your junior union representative on your shop floor, or the boss of a family firm that has secretly been sold out to the bank........... because actually that is what it is..... without getting into the finance scam too deep it is fair to say that biggest secret of the TV class of celebrated game show host poly tics is just that they dont have any real power. Your leaders are manipulated into positions held in direct opposition to someone else who has also been manipulated into position by exactly the same people.......... they are actors employed to give you the illusion that you have some choice and to trap you yet again in the Hegelian dialectic, the ‘punch and judy show’. They are also employed to get you trapped into seeing people in smaller and smaller groups...... just look at the number of groups of people they speak about............ 'single mothers', 'urban inner city', 'students' ‘nurses', ‘foreign nurses’ ‘speeders' 'smokers' and 'anti smokers' ‘executives’,’ animal rights campaigners' or 'globalists' or anti globalists'................. They are employed to fraction people into such small numbers that no-one can agree on anything other than wether using cannabis, a plant, is an offense with a class c drug or a class d drug.. and even after deciding no one notices when it gets changed back ! They are employed also to stop people who would actually make a difference getting into a position where they can mess things up for the real power. Like blank cartridges they are there just to make some noise, not actually do any damage to those who are managing things exclusively for their own interests, but to get back to the original question, where do they come from  ?

To get people to understand the answer to this question I’d like to construct a small hypothetical role play. Imagine, if you will, that we are with a group of friends, 50 people lets say who share an interest with you in skateboarding or running cross country and between us we have found a really good place to do our activity but some of it is over private land so we decide to get permission from the owner of the land and draw lots (which actually would be better in the real world than voting) to elect the person we are going to send to ask the landowner. 'Now lets say 'Sean' who is normally quiet and self conscious now  ,has the task of going to the landowner, with the pretty daughter's house and ask on our behalf wether we can skate, running, fish, shoot, metal detect, knit on land or  in buildings he owns.  So Sean, first of all he gets a thrill he has never felt before, of feeling special and important and most relevantly 'separate and different from us, he goes to the farmer landowner with the pretty daughters and is invited to stay for a while by the farmer who sees a way of making some extra revenue out of charging us a fee or tax for use of the privilege of the land to skate fish, live, on in or through.  This story can now go several ways and show many different aspects of the whole poly tics game.... there are 'many ' tics' that can suck out the blood of Sean's soul, his sameness with us.  Politicians on a whole are the kind of people who enjoy being in the position of speaking on behalf of the people when dealing with people who actually have the stuff... and so in our little scenario here we could say that Sean in his new found position as our spokesperson and with and the attention lavished on him by some of our more gullible and sensitive girls, plucks himself and starts talking with worldly knowledge and fills out with self importance relaying some of the landowners rules and what concessions he has attained for us......... We could also illustrate how some people who get massaged into positions of perceived power by great majorities, start immediately by doing everything they said they'd never do and losing all their credibility and public support.  Essentially this why they were created to bring about 'unpopular' change........ this is what is currently being set up in America... 'Change you can believe' in' hurray.... only what most people dont realize is Obama has been created to bring about change that no-one would EVER vote for, and that is why you dont know what it is. I know what it is because I read Z BIG's book 'The Grand Chessboard' he talks about 'starting 'brushfire wars all through Asia and the Caucasus' and so it is no surprise to me that we have bombs going off in Pakistan ,India Georgia and South Ossetia.. Most people have the idea that Obama is anti war ?!  Well I wouldn't share a table with Z big who has the blood of millions on his hands after his involvement in the creation of the file of mujahadeen fighters (al quida) to get Russia bogged down in a Vietnam of their own......... this is what Z Big wants to stimulate again, 'A War you can believe in' should be the motto. But we digress.

So back to Sean,  Sean has had a transformation, for the first time in his life he feels like somebody, really someone separate and different from the crowd, all those things his mother used to tell him are true, he really is destined to do great things. Most of his friend notice a change in their formerly quiet and gentle friend, all those who used to socialize with him are now 'fitted in' off pages of a new 'Crocodile pocket diary organizer' that stink of opulence and bribe. Not only does Sean become less available as a friend but certain elements of our group are making special advances to him, with gifts, to see if they can see about special interests of their own. 

Sean decides he likes being our 'spokesperson' and discovers (to his horror at first) that he'll even lie to keep it. When we decide to make a new system of voting for our spokesperson, he campaigns on promises he knows deep down he can not keep but hopes we won't remember or hopes we'll think he tried. Those who have their special interests invested in Sean's tenure as our spokesperson campaign for him and then divisions become entrenched.........Sean  is quick to talk about factions within his friends about rollerbladers being one thing but rollers skates being altogether different, he exploits our differences so our former fellow hobbyist goes from being all one big 'us' to being various little 'we's....... Sean realizes as long as he keeps us like this he'll be able to keep being our spokesperson, which now he not only likes because of the false pride his soul has developed an unhealthy addiction to, but now he has been having fantasies in his mind in private moments about one of the farmers daughters, he sees himself at home in the farm living their life and marrying Sarah who has, for the time ,been encouraged to 'be friendly with the curious chap.'

So it is not too hard in our little hypothetical situation to see how some MPs could so convincingly stand up and lie and lie and lie and grow to love their lies, how some people who are without a self can be navigated towards a self they find attractive and be caught up in it. It is not too hard to see how it very quickly, even with the best of intentions, it becomes apparent that the 'spokesperson' or 'MP' 'President' or 'Mullah' 'priest' becomes conservative to the status quo, even if they are publicly for 'Change.' 

Also now for a moment let us imagine what would happen if the landowner for whatever reason really wanted Sean's total loyalty, he could do all sorts of things to ensure complete compliance.......... not just the hand of his daughter in marriage, rather old fashioned, but perhaps he could have footage of him being given a blow job by a young gay choir boy while smoking crack cocaine. 

There is a man who alleges that he met Obama while he was senator of illinois and that he went out with him and had various gay sex liaisons with him while Obama not only smoked crack but scored the crack and the cocaine for them. This man, Larry Sinclair, has bravely come forward and been completely upfront making a complete and frank candid press statement. The first person Larry Sinclair told ,a choir man in the Obama entourage working for his campaign, wound up murdered along with another gay man close to the Obama campaigns under extremely suspicious circumstances. I have no reason to doubt Sinclairs story, I believe him and knowing this it is obvious to me now not only how but why Obama was elected, he is a completely controlled candidate who has been created especially to preside over some very significant changes. 'Change you can believe in' sure..............As an interesting anecdote to this story there is a compelling little gem that I found out about Obama's trip to Israel. While there he visited the prayer wall where you are meant to write a prayer on a piece of paper and stick it into the wall. Perhaps he didn't think anyone would find his or perhaps he did ?! we dont know but I find it interesting what Obama wrote on his prayer... Of cause you are not meant to read other peoples prayers and it is taboo to do this to most jews, but someone let their more curious side get the better of them and took Obama's prayer.. it was verified as his not only by the hand writing but by it being headed note-paper from the hotel he was staying at. The prayer said.."Lord—Protect my family and me. Forgive me my sins, and help me guard against pride and despair. Give me the wisdom to do what is right and just. And make me an instrument of your will."   

What for me is interesting is it starts with his biggest fear, then and acknowledgment to how his 'pride' has got him into 'despair' and then finishes on a kind of prissy Narcotics Anonymous kind of average ending perhaps sensing he'd already given enough away.

What I think is important to say is even though I dont like to watch Obama walk and talk because I think I can see the false pride and arrogance based on a corrupt hatred of self and thus everyone seething through every movement, Is that even though I recognize the kind of sell out trickery of a well oiled snaked oil salesman, I reckon he'd be great fun to have a couple of lines an d a beer with and probably can get hold of some great C.I.A. made coke....... and all sorts of other sins of the flesh that he has become addicted to.

Lies and deceit create war and slavery only compassion and empathy can create peace and freedom.
When the government starts lying, people and their freedom start dying,

To stop the war retail outlets and their provocateurs buying the kind of politicians who will follow their war provoking and death dealing agenda 
we need to let them know with no possibility of misunderstanding that we won't be fooled by their old tricks any more...

We know they lie to provoke war, and we dont believe the hate speech they spew out endlessly.
There is no difference between me and an Iraqi civilian or an Afghani. We are all the same.

We are not the brainless epsilon sub morons they take us for, and we wont be fooled into lining up to jump into rows of coffins for them..... I wont support it and I hold them accountable for mass murder and genocide.

A created war is an Armageddon... these wars are created out of lies and deceit, they are Armageddon's, Apocalypses, ritualistic  human sacrifices,..... there is no difference from this activity and the bloody human sacrifices of the incas and ancient mayans. only nowadays more cruel and more widespread and effective

We are all taught from a very early age that lying is bad and one must always tell the truth......
we know that there is no such this as a white lie....
A danger exists when a small group of people think they are somehow above the moral code that direct us all,

These people think that if the end is good for them, then it is o.k. to lie, 
they believe very strongly that the end justifies the means.
they think It is acceptable to lie to the people if it keeps them in power..that the law doesn't apply to them..

but if we let them get away with it then  we are in a sense giving them license to be above the law. 

There are people already now in positions of power who not only take our silence as consent but also say that if we didn't challenge their lies, 
then their lies somehow become truth, and this gives them all the encouragement they need to invent even bigger lies to enslave us with... 

Already too many lies have become fixed as truth in minds of far too many of us, people have been cohered into thinking that there was a link between al quaida and iraq, when none was ever proved , people think that Sadam had weapons of mass destruction, but this certainty was  just an arrogant bluff, used as if by a gang of desperate confidence tricksters..

but it was enough of a bluff to get us into a war that has cost more than a million lives,  the truth will always be the truth and the truth is that the public were deliberately mislead into a conflict that has forwarded the agenda of people plotting for a one world government, and has made an awful lot of money for the few while costing an awful lot of money to the many.

Sadly people have begun to take authority as truth, rather than truth as the sole authority
the silent majority has acquiesced to this pathocracy.

There is nothing more insulting than being lied to by people who know that you know they are lying.....
Orwellian double speak has become the norm, now the prison state has become the free-world ?....
preemptive strikes are now sanctioned in so called self defense,
proxy puppet governments are now called small emerging democracies
... occupying forces are now sold to us as givers of humanitarian aid.....
such incongruous fallacies that it is as if reason itself has become bent and corrupted

Now people are waking up to the new world order agenda 
there is no longer any moral neutrality, with the dissolution of habeus corpus and right to fair and just treatment you have been put on notice that the state sees you as the enemy, they have criminalized your own point of view and opinions..... They have insulted your intelligence and act as if you are either too stupid to see the con they are pulling or to weak and cowardly to do anything about it.

So now is your time. are you stupid or are you a coward ?

As George Bush inferior himself said "you are either with us or you are with the terrorists, "

This group of well placed and professional actors who perform on the world stage are commonly called 'politicians'....... they are massaged into power by the only people who have any real wealth, the banksters...... 
the simple reason why the only people who have any money are the bankers is because they get to to print it,
or rather just type it into a computer screen, and the very act of doing that devalues everyone else's money,and because it is no longer linked to a gold standard, paper money is just that, paper regarded as money.

In an imaginary closed system involving 10 people and one bank, lets imagine that every one has ten pounds, people are happily trading around within this fixed system worth 100 pounds, but a newcomer comes to town and has no money so the bank prints him ten pounds..... now the system has 110 pounds in it but it is still only really worth 100 pounds, so the 100 pounds is spread between the 11 people thus devaluing all the money, so the simple act of the bank creating ten pounds in loan to the one new person has meant that everyone now only has 9 real pounds of worth but the bank is owed ten pounds plus interest..... 

Now apply this logic to the world around you.. this trick was played on you by the bankers who now very nearly own the whole world.. most of the worlds people are enslaved to the banks and busily getting up in the morning and working all day just to create more wealth for the banks who can only win and the people can only loose. These Banksters, emboldened by the success of this trick then went on to create all sorts of other tricks, like funding both sides in hundreds of years of war, and making and breaking whole countries and peoples... just for sport

The new world order is their plan, to bring the whole world under their control... bored of just money they now want the power to control everyones lives to the point of quite literally separating themselves from the rest of the human race and having everyone be subservient to pay them tribute, they have always despised compassion and so their new target is 'humanity itself' and they are actively pushing on all front to create a one world overseen by a satanic all seeing eye, they lust after a one world economy, a one world army, a one world religion. they want to be Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent.

their one world order is symbolized by an all seeing eye, and as it says in the Koran the beast, satan is presented as a one eyed monster... The RFID chip company Verichip has a reptiles eye as its company logo.... as do many controlling and authoritarian technologies. 

A one world government itself is not such a new idea In 1939 Britain alone stood up to a plan for a third reich, a one world government, when it looked like a hopeless cause. Europe's sovereign nations fell like flies one after another, For the rise of hitler to take place certain conditions had to be met, first of all people needed a perceived universal threat., back then it was seen as 'international Jewry'' now it so called 'international terrorism'..... then there needed to be a catalytic event, which Hitler staged of cause, 'the burning of the reichstag', which was blamed on these scapegoats...... just like 9/11 was a staged event blamed on the international terrorists.... then he needed to have a public outpouring of anger and indignation at the supposed threat which manifested itself in 'crystal nacht' the so called night of crystals' when nazi thugs smashed up jewish shops in berlin......

He then staged a mock attack in Poland to justify overrunning the whole country, like our hidden hand has justifies going in to Afghanistan.....and Iraq..... Obviously he was aware that this would get people talking and perhaps one or two people would be able to see through these obvious lies so he had to set up a thug class, a police state, and concentration camps.

As history repeats itself and that we have gone from freedom to fascism in the last 10 years, I'd say we are about at this point in our own progression. We have allowed people we know are mostly innocent be tortured and abused in concentration camps like Abu Grail and Gantanamo bay..... but as a people we are rather like the locals living near the concentration camps who don't ever talk about the smell of burning corpses...... 

We know it is going on, we know it is based on lies and deceit but we are not doing anything about it...... lets say we were liberated by Russia now had our own Neuronburg trials, Bush Chaney, Rice and Rumsvelt were tried and hung as war criminals, What about the O'riely and the war publicists and fake news crowd, like Geobals the Nazi chief of propaganda where would Fox news or the BBC fit in ?... would they be tried for Hate crimes, of inciting violence, which they do every day with their biased but effective propaganda ?

Most importantly where would you fit in.. would you see yourself as one of the brave resistance ?..... one thing is sure there were a lot more people who were allegedly in the resistance after the war than during it.....
or would you see yourself as a collaborator
, some would say that paying money to the government is a form of collaboration...... not speaking out is seen as consent, Seeing as the state has pushed things to such a degree now that they are spying on everyones emails and phone-calls, when there is so evidently not the slightest reasonable possibility of any real threat of international terrorism... it is our own government who have destroyed our freedoms, not the so called enemy......... 

they have used an elaborate punch and judy show charade to browbeat and bamboozle the tired and apathetic populous into more and more obserd fear mongering and alarmist propaganda none of which is either true or even plausibly credible.

As is often said, 'if this New world order is so great why all the lies and secrecy ?'. the truth is simple, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, that history repeats itself,..... what makes you think that through millennia of trickery and genocide that it is not happening right now by our own side by our own consent and paid for us... a new world order born out of this kind of lies and deceit can only be evil to its core and will lead to more war hate division and torment... unless you resist it.. first by telling the truth... seeing and hearing with your heart and  trusting your intuition, .. avoiding people that are vexatious to the spirit, giving your self the time to hear your own true voice... these powers that oppose you and your humanity and compassion they want you tired and alone watching the television they control you with.... this is how they engineer your views and opinions.

You will know when to act, but do act...... I need you, and you need me, we need each other, dont let them pick us off one by one...... a person alone watching television is in bad company a book or organize a meeting place to discuss these ideas. that is what I am doing.

If you want to progress further into the nitty gritty of the matter you'll have to accept the truth that we are all the same actually......... there is no difference between jew or muslin.

All these notions of religious or national identity are just the collar tags and leashes you naive children are yanked around on.

For instance.... you dont know wether I am your brother, a Buddhist, a pedestrian , God or a dog...... the internet is great for that...... but if I chose to I could manipulate you using my knowledge of your own religious programming you proudly parade about like a golden wifi port to your soul.

Many people will commit the most disgusting acts of evil when given 'permission to' or 'commanded by' their religious or national leaders.. When, in reality, if they actually took responsibility for their actions themselves they'd never do it... There is no person who has the right to command another person to kill..... why o why o why will you again and again condemn yourselves on the say so of some slimy politician or slippery priest ?

A young Israeli pilot presses fire in his cockpit and 20,000 feet below a beautiful 12 year old girl, who likes dancing and yoga, Harry Potter and chocolate, your daughter, my daughter, God's daughter....

Who is guilty ? the pilot, Hamas ? you ?...

There is a higher law, trillions of dollars are spent each year trying to get you to forget that.

Thou shalt not kill.

U.N. dont have the right, Israeli doesn't have the right...Hamas doesn't have the one alive today has the right.

Until you see the extent of the power you give away, you'll never know how far deep is the puppet master hand.

The face of Zionism is a religious fundamental fascism that sees the Jews as the chosen people by God, whose interests are above those of other faiths mainly against Muslims but also against Christians and other sects. It was in fact the Jewish money lenders who Jesus threw out of the temple and in fact is was the Jews who collaborated in the crucifixion of Christ. 
Personally I find all religions repugnant that teach separateness between people, I believe that we are all the same, that divisions have been created and cultivated by evil people for millennia to garner power from small minded gullible and foolish people. 
By this belief it would seem the whole idea of 'Zionism' itself is as stupid as believing in the Aryans being a super race or protestants thinking themselves apart from catholics......... Only those who don't know who they are need labels.........they say Hello my name is Benjamin and I'm a Jew, or hello my name is peter and I am a catholic,  it is completely irrelevant and should seem ridiculous to any thinking person. 
(Zionism, by definition is the idea of the creation and retention of a piece of land they have called Israel, before 1948 there was no Israel, where Israel is now was actually Palestine.... Palestine was given to the Jews by Britain to honour a deal made to various financial interests to help fund the U.K. in the second world war.......... In the agreement called the ‘Balfour agreement’ it actually specifies certain conditions which are meant to be met by the newly designated ‘Israelis’ to keep the land that the British gave them even though it wasn't theirs to give....... None of these conditions have been met, and so in some peoples eyes this invalid agreement is further null and void because the Israelis haven't kept within the terms of the agreement in the first place.)

..... just a bit of contextual insights for your guys here to see what 'legal' basis there is in a 'Jewish homeland...' 

Foreign Office 
November 2nd, 1917 

Dear Lord Rothschild: 

I have much pleasure in conveying to you. on behalf of His Majesty's... international bankers using the war they'd stimulated (WW1) to blackmail the U.K. government into setting up the precursors for generations of future bloodshed. 

When you see you assumed identity for what it really is ( a dog color and leash for you to be yanked around with...) You start to see how you and so many other people are hoodwinked into committing all sorts of disgusting unspeakable acts of violence against each other.. 

There is a higher law... 

God needs the devil to give you the chance of sinning...So in a way Rothchild and his ilk of luciferian minions are in fact doing good work by giving you the chance to follow your inner voice or stay blind, 'ignorant to the truth.'.. to 'see the light' or be tricked into slavery. 
Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet: 

His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. 

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge 
of the Zionist Federation. 

Arthur James Balfour 

... international bankers using the war they'd stimulated (WW1) to blackmail the U.K. government into setting up the precursors for generations of future bloodshed. 

When you see your assumed identity for what it really is, a dog color and leash for you to be yanked around with, You start to see how you and so many other people are hoodwinked into committing all sorts of disgusting unspeakable acts of violence against each other.... mothers,brothers,fathers and sister like you. 

There is a higher law... 

God needs the devil to give you the chance of sinning...So in a way Rothchild and his ilk of luciferian minions are in fact doing good work by giving you the chance to follow your inner voice or stay blind, 'ignorant to the truth.'.. to 'see the light' or be tricked into slavery. 

Religion and National identities are just aides to your own domestication. 

You are being domesticated.

The internet issue is just part of the whole agenda to create a completely potent method of enslavement.

CCTV/Verichips/ID schemes

You see that they want to keep an eye on their slaves. You.

You spend your life on the human hamster-wheel, running so fast just to stay still.... treading water in the rat infested cesspool of modern corporate servitude.

You work all day to pay for where you sleep and then waste the precious hours loading up on their brainwashing. You've grown to love your own programming. They know how much dopamine to get you to swallow their mental medicine. Their social experiments.

The Holocaust would never have happened if people had resisted the smaller things...ID schemes, the wearing of the yellow star... once Hitler got away with the little stuff it emboldened him to continue... nice, law abiding, gentle citizens were all guilty enablers of a genocidal monster... you too are culpable.

Here we are with a fresh batch of servile compliant slaves, they put in a few cameras, 'for their own protection of cause' ten years later they tiptoe closer...

They want to be Omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent.

And they won't stop until an organized rebellion from you would be as unthinkable as an organized rebellion from a flock of lambs at the slaughter house.

You are being domesticated, moo.

While you sit and chat about the new DR who or congestion charge the people you pay your taxes to are forcibly spreading the legs of humanity and compassion and once again raping truth and justice in palestine, fellow man, your cousin, your sister, your son.

The media is holding her by the throat, your politicians have her by the ankles and they laugh as there master, Beelzebub himself unbelts his trousers and wipes the spittle.

When will you give a dam ?

When will your blood boil, they are killing you with the death of the thousand cuts. There flashing bright colours, lure you like a baby you gurgle at the distractions on the TV, meanwhile what they dont tell you is the truth. The world makes more sense when you find out what is missing.

Your domestication need you to be able to stand still and chew the cud dispassionately while they gang up and abuse the salve beside you. You dont want to make a fuss so they are assured unfettered rape and pillage time... soon though it will be your turn and they’ll be no one left to care.

If Diana was queen now, could you see this happening ?
What happened to compassion and empathy ?
Hamas was democratically elected. All people have the right to self determination. You have been braInwashed into seeing this conflict as old as time,the truth is that Arabs and Jews have lived together for centuries, in fact historically it is Muslims and Christians who share the greatest enmity.
You are being domesticated, fattened up on poison and lies. We people, are all the same, Religion is war.

Everything you see in the middle east is the product of decades of meddling at the edges by very small group of men who have an agenda. 

They set up the state of Israel, not for Israel's good but as a catalyst for war and conflict... They really dont care about Jews, Christians etc, they only care about creating a luciferian one world government. 

The Balfour agreement was just a small part of it, it was even addressed to 'Lord Rothchild' who was mediating for the so called 'Zionist movement' 

The Zionist ambition of Jewish hegemony is worldwide and well funded and the obvious one sided disparity between the mainstream media and the actual reality just goes to show the extent to which it has been bought out and corrupted by this evil fascism. 

Albert Pike founder of thee KKK and leading freemason actually spelled out the complete agenda of how this whole thing is going to play out... 

In contact with a 'spirit guide' on 15 August 1871 he explained the need for three world wars to bring about a one world government.... and so far his predictions have played out word for word... This is the plan, and the UN, The globalist bankers everyone are moving in this one direction.. 

Reading this letter is chilling but it spells out our 20th century history and was written in 1871 !!! 

here it is... 

"The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions." 

"The Second World War must be formented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm." 

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." Albert Pike 15 August 1871 in a letter to
Giusseppe Mazzini of Italy (1805-1872) who was a 33rd degree Mason, who became head of the Illuminati in 1834, and who founded the Mafia in 1860

There is an agenda, a gameplan that is being played out, unless you know what it is this whole thing looks like a comedy of errors and failures.

Most of us though sense a hidden hand directing affairs. Tony Bliar said, tellingly, thats this power was 'so strong and all intends in one direction' Trouble is you dont know where it is intending and so it looks like chaos, exactly what it is meant to look like to you.

When you realize the agenda is the dissolution of all power bases and the eventual complete domestication of man, the enslavement of humanity and the creation of an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent one world government.

Everyone you see in current affairs has been vetted to knowingly or unknowingly conform to this agenda, the media, the entertainment industry, politics, all of it.

This may seem like an alien concept to you and come as quite a shock, only a very small percentage of you will even have the mental capacity still to comprehend the depth of this agenda and your own enslavement.

The best place to start is to look at the writings of Albert Pike at the end of the 19 century. Namely his 'Three world wars' letter written to Giusseppe Mazzini.

Exodus 20:13 - Deuteronomy 5:17 "Thou shalt not kill"
The exact Hebrew wording of this biblical phrase is lo tirtzack which accurately translates as "any kind of killing whatsoever."

All around the middle east innocent loving people, farmers and doctors, children and grandmothers, In Iraq and Afghanistan are being blown to bits by occidental weapons of mass destruction in the longest state sponsored terror campaign the world had ever known.
The governments of the US and UK are guilty, and person who aids and abets them is guilty, guilty of murder oppression, guilty of enslavement and genocide.
No amount of artful bullshit from me will express the horror of this better than this piece of video.
This is the result of an attack made on a market place and school, By Israeli pilots in american planes.... your taxes paid for little pieces of death.
It is tempting to think of this as chance event, you have been propagandized to think of the Arab / Jewish problem as protracted and irreconcilable, but the truth is that this conflict has been designed and planned artfully with the patience of someone building a model battleship out of match sticks.
Long in the making this schism has been lubricated and fractured and manipulated by a small group of genuinely evil people whose cunning transcends nationality or religion.
They don’t see themselves as jews or as christians, but they do worship, they give sacrifices to their God, Lucifer.
Snippets of their plan for a one world government remain and can be traced right back to at least 1871 when Albert Pike wrote it down in a letter to Guisepe Manzinni. He talked of ‘three world wars’,His plan for the first two wars and how to stimulate them has already been carried out ... his third is in the making.
So when you hear of bombs going off in Iraq or Palestine. Dont think for a moment that this is something to do with Jews or Muslim, they are merely the players in this genocidal opera of sorrow. The stage is set for both the oppressor and the oppressed. And like the forest fire that is spread from the smallest spark, here The Jews and The Arabs are like the steal and the flint striking against each other to start the fire.
If you were to only read two historical documents to make sense of this hideous conspiracy then you must read these...The ‘Three world wars’ letter and the balfour agreement,
There is a war within a war, the real war will not be won with guns or bombs. We need only stop paying for the soap opera they parade as truth in the mainstream. No longer support on side or another only support truth and integrity.
There is an agenda and until you know what it is deep down you will always be distracted from the path.

They are trying to create a luciferian one world government and all the events are staged to this end. They control the UN, they control the US they control the EU, they control the UK, they control the JEWS and the Christians and the Muslims...
Every organization from Greenpeace to the Roman catholic church is compromised and corrupted, they have spies in every camp.
There is a higher law,
‘Thou shalt not kill’,
Exodus 20:13 - Deuteronomy 5:17 "Thou shalt not kill"
The exact Hebrew wording of this biblical phrase is lo tirtzack which accurately translates as "any kind of killing whatsoever."

It is very compelling to see the Israelis or the Hamas as the aggressor and in a way they both are they are, but please, please please take a moment to study these two bits of information,

'Three World Wars letter' 15th August 1871 from Albert Pike (freemason founder of KKK )to guiseppie Manzini (leader of illuminati and creator of the mafia)

The Balfour agreement letter to ‘Lord’ Rothchild 1911
These letters contain the blue print for a plan of world subdigation and the enslavement of mankind under a satanical ‘new world order, one world government’ .. the most relevant point to this is that both these documents predate and animosity between Jews and Arabs and show how the globalist have been setting the stage for these created wars and enmity for decades.
This luciferian doctrine predates and controls ‘Bush’, ‘The Neocons’ ‘The Pope’ ‘Israel’ and the ‘EU’...... the game is rigged. Most people are so absorbed in the minutiae they can’t see the control dogma has over their lives. You are being mislead at almost every turn.
My heart burns in rage at bombing, My empathy is with all the innocent people who are caught up in this sinister conspiracy. It is all about creating one world government.
All these people want is to create a world where humanity is subdicated, on her knees and for their dark lord, Lucifer to be omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent our us all.
Unless you realize that then every movement you make only tightens the snare around your neck, they have you by the balls, wether you are a christian or a jew or a muslim, an american or a brit, anytime you by into the con and believe the fake punch and judy show, it will only perpetuate it.
All religions, organizations and governments are corrupted, this battle now is right at your door. Only in rejecting violence and understanding the distractions laid before you will you ever hope to be saved.
Dont struggle, dont fight, act in concert with your heart in love and sympathy,

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