Enlightened sovereign peoples against the enslavement and domestication of humanity
I had an epiphany kind of vision lasting several hours when I was living in Brighton when I was 19 years old.... I found myself in a infinite large space, an expanse of blackness, not a frightening blackness, just infinite space... for a brief moment I felt a tiny bit apprehensive but as soon as that feeling came into my mind it was met by a feeling of being watched over by a hugely benevolent loving spirit. Any type of description with words will, no doubt, do it injustice, however I am quite happy with calling it an infinite expanse of knowing smiles that beamed down upon me with a warmth that has never left me, a confidence that has given me a great conviction in the veracity of the following statement which was made to me by this entity...'
'We are all the same, all the troubles in the world are caused by the mistaken belief that one group of people is separate or different from another'
This happened to me 20 years ago and I have watched world affairs through this viewpoint and I can honestly say that this is an unbreakable truth... and, interestingly it is the exact opposite to the views and attitudes held by those who are manipulating all these conflicts into existence.
I see religion and nationhood as the leash and collar that humanity is yanked around on, I'm sick of watching us being massaged into hating and fighting each other.
This truth goes much deeper that just world affairs, this whole society is based on getting people to pick an opinion, to 'vote', to ring in their vote to 'big brother' to 'propose' or to 'oppose' but these are just the forces that keep us apart, keep us separate and by default keep those who wish humanity harm in a position to perpetuate the servitude, because make no mistake, humanity is enslaved.
Until we recognize the hooks and snares in our own psyche that are artfully twisted and torniqued we'll never be free.
I think that every organization from the Catholic church to Greenpeace has been systematically infiltrated and compromised, we can't even conceive the sheer wealth and resources available to those who wish to control us, I think the battle is not somewhere else, I think now the battle is right at our door, at the door to our own soul. We are sleepwalking towards an ambush and unless we snap out of it we will have no sovereignty left, we will be enslaved at a soul level, ultimately this is their very plan, no less than the perpetual and irreversible control over every person on earth.
We need to join the dots, see the bigger picture, what happens in Gaza or Iraq is not separate to what happens in your newspaper, on your TV, the lies and deceit are just the same, sure we may not have bombs falling but the damage is still the same, we are loosing the truth and freedom is founded on truth and thus we are all dying. We are all under a militarist occupation and have been for decades.
The people manipulating the state of Israel dont see themselves as jews, those manipulating the U.N. dont see themselves as American or European, they are bonded only by their agenda of total world domination, they are following a 130 year old plan which calls for the Arabs and Jews to be set against each other to precipitate the destruction of both and the ignition of World War three. They are using the Zionists and their agenda just as much as they are using Al C.I.A.da and the Muslim brotherhood.
Sure Zbigniew Brzezinski inhis book 'The Grand chessboard' talks about 'American hegemony' when writing about their need to start brushfire wars through Asian and the Caucuses, But it is not really American hegemony he is talking about it. Behind him and all these institutions, The CFR, The U.N, The WHO, are the same hidden hands, Rothchild, Rockefeller, Schiff,et all. They have had a one world agenda for 300 years, Our modern history is built with the blood and bones of people who have been hoodwinked, fooled and mislead into killing each other on their say so From Prussia to Prague, from Pearl Harbor to New York there are monuments to sacrifices humanity has made for their ambition.
The simple fact is the political class has been bought off or killed for so long that what they are doing is not judged on wether it is good for people but rather on wether they can get away with the murder and servitude they create.
Unfortunately most people are so exhausted in the human hamster wheel that has been constructed to suck all the energy out of them just in the the attempt to survive that they dont get the chance to look up into the eyes of those who designed their misery.
These psychopathic men stand over them prodding them with sticks and when they get board of that they set brother against brother in useless wars designed only to further debt down and enslave humanity.
Our only hope is to recognize our own part in the codependent relationship, to cease and desist on a personal level from lubricating the wheels and cogs of this ‘odious machine’
Once you really see the truth of this then you can’t be fooled into pointing the finger at your brother or playing into their hands. If you take to the streets you are only propagating fear politics and playing their game. All we need to do is understand that we are all the same and this is our world. We are creation made man, miracles, we are not a human resource, a commodity. You need to show that you won’t be domesticated and stop acting like a slave.
As a person living in this time on earth, I cry with you as I see people being slaughtered by other people, albeit corrupted and dishonorable people, but people none the less.
I come to think why ?
We must not let the passions of our perceived differences create enmity and hate between us, because this is what is the plan of the internationalists who have spent decades creating this conflict. This is a created war, an Armageddon, a war first written about, planned even in 1871 by Albert Pike (founder KKK and 33d freemason)
The plan calls for the Arabs and Zionist to fight together and destroy each other. This is the prerequisite for WW3....
These power-mad Luciferians will continue to create the foundations of war... Leading globalist Lord Rothchild's name is actually on the Balfour agreement ? The 'Albert Pike' plan, which Rothchild was no doubt following, calls for the creation of Israel as a prerequisite for the enmity and division needed for the present conflict. Why do we continue to blame the Israelis and Arabs as though the creation of Israel has nothing to do with it ? Without the artificial creation of Israel there would be none of this worldwide bloodshed, it is the cornerstone that all this war and terrorism is built upon. It is not fair to import millions of people into another country and then just tell the local people to like it or lump it. Why do you allow taboo to prevent you from saying or seeing this ? when all it does it protect the perpetrators who set this whole thing up, the internationalists using Zionism to create war.
Personally I find all religion and national creeds abhorrent that teach separateness or specialness, that goes for Christianity, Islam and Judaism.. I see that we are all the same and that religion and nationality are the leash and collars that we are yanked around on. Well no more, we must stop fighting each other and start realizing who the real threat is...
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