Monday, 9 February 2009

We are all the same

We are all the same, we are equal..... no person has the right to hurt or kill another person and likewise no organization of people have the right to hurt or kill other people. If you allow yourself to be ordered to fire a missile into a house you are just as guilty as some psycho bombing a market. You are culpable, you, your soul. There is no hero’ no choice option, you have the right to refuse and you didn't use it.... if there is a God, he she or it will hold you accountable for things you have done.

If you find yourself before a judge charged with murder in common law, you get no protection saying you were ordered to do it down the pub by some other bloke... and likewise no governmental body, or the UN, no one has the right over the life and death of other sovereign people living on earth.

You wouldn’t kill your friends mother when ordered to, you wouldn’t kill your own mother, so why allow someone you dont even know to order you to kill someone else’s mother, or brother or son or daughter. You are responsible, you had a choice, The truth be known there are a lot of people who are mislead into thinking someone has the right to tell them to kill, but ultimately it is their fault and they are culpable for there transgressions.

Thou shalt not kill, no killing whatsoever, we are all the same, we are all equal. There is no higher law.

By ‘turning up’ by joining the army or air force, you are willing acquiescing in murder and genocide and you will be blooded and you will be held to account in your death. You will have failed your life’s mission and will have to go round again. Just like in a court judged by your peers, an excuse of ‘someone else made me do it’ will not be acceptable. You will be held to account.

Like wise no one has the right to harass, hurt or hinder me as long as I am not hurting, harassing or hindering someone else. The state is null and void in my eyes. You can call it sedition, but in my eyes it is just plain and simple... war is wrapped up in state-ism, only in redefining our total sovereignty and independence will we through of this shared apathy to murder, enslavement and deceit. No more will the benefits of my labour be used to hurt hinder or kill another person, I give notice that I see through this almighty con and am not in accord with it.

I free myself from servitude and indebtedness to a monstrous odious machine of death, of lies, of perjury and usury.

As a sovereign independent soul inhabiting this physical body at this time, being of sound mind and body, do hereby give notice of the fact that I am no longer indebted to the fraudulent incorporations of religion, state and nationhood, that in doing so I charge them and their corporate creations of fraud, genocide and enslavement. I hereby sever any ties and declare all previous incorporations of my name made without my permission against all known practice in common law, null and void. I no longer stand in place of the straw man created in my name and declare my own intention to continue to uphold my own sovereignty and obligations of living in peace, compassion and cooperation with other sovereign people living in this time on earth.
Any person who is acting in the capacity of someone else’s agent will be viewed by me as acting on their own behalf and will be held to account for any of my rights as a sovereign and independent person. they try to infringe upon. I no longer recognize any law above that of living without harm, hurt or hindrance to any other person. No organization or incorporations of people have any rights over me, my soul in this body. Any person who in ignorance attempts to exert rights over me is hereby put on notice of the fact that I reserve all right as recognized in common law. No statute is valid, I have not agreed to any other provisions of statute, I understand my rights and obligations and reserve all rights myself.

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