Monday, 9 February 2009

Jesus was a not only a Palestinian but also a radical dissident.

Jesus was a not only a Palestinian but also a radical dissident who challenged the entrenched powers of the day, who eventually had him betrayed and executed, this was done by the same kind of Jews you now see gang raping the people of Palestine.

I'm not sure that killing some of the worlds poorest people, by remote control with the most sophisticated weapons systems paid for out of our taxes is really courageous or brave.

What we are doing or supporting in Iraq or Afghanistan ? or even by arming Israel ? what we are facilitating in Gaza, Lebanon etc ? it is, in my view, cowardly and evil.

I dont think our illegal war of aggression in Iraq will be remembered in history as anything other than a callous colonial resource war where we, the British, have like a poodle ganged up with the bully USA rather than follow the fair play which England used to be known for.

If Jesus was alive today, no doubt he'd be sweltering in some American secret prison, being water-boarded. Dont forget it was the jews of the day who had him executed and betrayed, they are still executing and betraying people.

We have created a generation of terrorists throughout the Arab world, poisoned large areas of the world with depleted uranium and caused the illegitimate deaths more than one million people.

I'm not saying that the individual soldiers might have courage, but I'm in no illusion that a bomb dropped from an expensive plane onto a Afghani wedding party any more brave than a terrorist bomber bombing a hotel... after all it is just death and maiming and murder.

Personally I believe in the tenant that 'thou shalt not kill' and by this token I don't believe the state has the right to order soldiers into foreign lands to kill other people.

However I do think that people have the right to self defense, but these days our military not really employed in the defense of the realm... more and more they are seen as the enforcers for corporate policy.

I really firmly believe in 'peace'. Peace is not served by attacking two countries and massacring the civilians in it on the pretext of punishing their government, or effecting as regime change... Attacking Gaza,Iraq,Iran or Afghanistan, and now Pakistan..... none of these attacks have been for self defense....

Do you feel we live in a much safer world now that Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc have been attacked and are now occupied ?

firstly. what about the weapons of mass destruction ?... like the ones used in Gaza recently by the Israeli government against civilians. white phosphorus and new DIME weapons which cause cancer... What about the gas bombs Rumsvelt sold Saddam ?

Everyone has WMD's or at least the capacity to make them... this whole plot against Saddam was a farce from the start. The downing street memo proves that they intended to wrap the reasons around the agenda, meaning they were going to make stuff up to justify attacking him.... One million people were starved to death.... to punish Saddam for having stuff sold to him by the Americans ?

They were a much safer, prosperous country before the sanctions and the war.... now the country is fucked, do you think they are free now ?...

This is the horror we are imposing down the barrel of a gun all around the world...... this has nothing to do with 'liberating women' or helping democracy it is just a cruel illegal occupation.

This is not some so called ‘liberalist, or humanist rubbish’ this is just the God’s honest truth..... and also, what’s wrong with being a liberal or a humanist ? isn’t that really what is intended of us after all ?

We spend million of pounds trying to kill people who live on only a couple of pounds of month.... it seems evil and insane to me.

Imagine the insanity of killing a Afghani farmer who supports his family on one dollar a day with a 40 million dollar predator drone.

It does not make us safe..... it is not an act of defense.


you see the main thing here is 'thou shalt not kill'

It isn't 'thou shalt not kill unless' you are trying to effect a regime change to a regime with more favorable trade terms for the oil they sell.

It isn't thou shalt not kill unless you are exporting our idea of democracy.

People have the right and responsibility of divine self determination... these people have just had one corrupt regime changed for another one and have had a generation of murder and bloodshed thrown in.

People have the right to live without other people shoving their ideas of governance onto them... Starving over a million people and denying them trade and medical supplies, because you dont like their government is immoral.

Real bravery and courage comes form recognizing the truth and listening to your heart even when it is at odds with the status quo, you know that.

Imagine living under military occupation in your own country. Having to queue at check points every day for 2 hours just to go 1000 yards down the road.... Having your house bulldozed by illegal israeli settlers who are protected by soldiers who are armed and protected by the USA and us.

Recently a BBC report exposed how in Gaza a whole independent village in Gaza where rounded up by soldiers, 100 of them where rounded into a house and locked in, then the house was deliberately shelled by troops... most of them were killed and the troops came and bulldozed the rubble and their remains into the destroyed foundations... along with the ruins of the village... the village was literally wiped of the map.

The British people declared war on Germany because of this sort of crap, we used to show integrity and a conscience, We were brave. What happened ?

The Israeli woman you see on TV, Tzipi Livni, the foreign minister is the daughter of a terrorist who bombed a hotel in 48, killing 91 innocent hotel guests !!

28 of those people were British diplomats... you would think we'd show some kind of reluctance to even have her on U.K. TV... but in Israel these terrorist are lauded as founding fathers of Israel... I find this all sticks in my through somewhat. It seems as though people just want to believe the crap they are fed because they cant be bothered looking into the eyes of those they know are lying to them... This reluctance to take responsibility for truth and honour is at the root of all the bloodshed and inequity world wide.

Some people have justified grievances which are not being listened to and so they are enticed into violence.

If Britain was overrun by a foreign power and your home destroyed and you were humiliated and assaulted daily by people who saw you as lower than a dog, would you not feel like fighting against them ?

My point is that these inequities and problems are created by people who want to exploit the reaction they cause. They create a prison and abuse the inmates.

Then when violence breaks out they attack them and call them terrorists or accuse their government of terrorism.. it is a very old trick.

Two wrongs dont make a right... you can never invade a country and impose freedom out of bloodshed, it doesn't work.. Didn't work in Vietnam and wont work in Iraq or Afghanistan.

It is very short sighted to think of this as being anything at all to do with 'humanitarianism' No one starves a million people to death and then goes goes in bombing the infrastructure , kill another 500,000 people and tries to say they are doing it to 'save the people from a dictator' it is naive, it is a fairy-tale.

I say we will only know true peace when we denounce people of violence, people like ,Tzipi Livni, Bush and Blair. Corporate war mongerers.

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